Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act Of 2010

Floor Speech

Date: July 30, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy


Mr. MELANCON. Thank you, Mr. Rahall.

I thank the 216 people that stood by me to try and protect what is best and loved by the people of south Louisiana and the entire State. Yes, 80 percent of the people in Louisiana believe that they are directly or indirectly affected by this moratorium, directly and indirectly affected by the spill. So what do we do?

If we have it the way of the other side, we will send rigs back out, not inspect them, the hell with it. Next thing we know, we're back where we started.

My amendment provides for safety inspection in accordance with a rolling stock, to get people back to work, to make sure that America has energy, to make sure the people of my district and the State of Louisiana have jobs, good jobs, and we can continue the prosperity that we have had in the past.

