U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Statement on SB 1070 Ruling


Date: July 28, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Congresswoman says today's decision must lead to action in Washington to secure our borders and fix our broken immigration laws

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords today issued the following statement after Federal Judge Susan Bolton delayed implementation of major portions of SB 1070, Arizona's law to fight illegal immigration.

In a 36-page ruling issued today, Bolton blocked the most controversial parts of the law from taking effect until the courts have a chance to hear the full case. The entire law had been scheduled to go into effect tomorrow.

Giffords' statement:

The latest chapter in what promises to be a lengthy legal fight over Arizona's immigration law has been written. But this court battle must not be allowed to distract us from the real issue: Arizonans want our nation to control its borders and bring a halt to the violence, smugglers and drugs that threaten our communities.

State lawyers arguing with federal lawyers will not help us secure our border, fix our broken immigration system or improve safety for the ranchers of Cochise County, the seniors of Green Valley or the families of Tucson.

Judge Bolton's ruling is an affirmation of the fact that the enforcement of our nation's immigration laws is the responsibility of federal government. It is time -- in fact, it is way past time -- for the federal government to start taking that responsibility seriously.

Congress must act to protect and defend the American people. This is why I am fighting for $701 million in emergency border security funding to train and hire additional Border Patrol agents and bring more surveillance technology to the border.

Shamefully, the Senate stripped these funds from appropriations legislation they approved last week. Later this evening, when the House is expected to approve my bill to restore these critical funds, the ball will be back in the Senate's court. I urge Senators not to let the people of Arizona down.

Arizona's immigration law was passed because we were fed up with years of federal inaction and neglect. We are angry and we are frustrated. But we must seize this opportunity and get the job done.
