Issue Position: Protecting Religious Freedom

Issue Position

While in private practice, Scott Pruitt came to the defense of Oklahomans whose religious liberty had been threatened by a state agency. The case involved a state employee who had been reprimanded for holding a Bible study in her home. Pruitt took on the Attorney General who defended the Oklahoma law in place at that time, and won. Because of his hard work and knowledge of Constitutional law, Scott's client returned to her job and the thousands of men and women who work for the state government are now more able to freely express and develop their personal faith.

During Pruitt's early years in the State Senate, Scott introduced, and was able to pass the Religious Freedoms Act. Through Scott's leadership, Oklahoma became among the first group of states to pass this type of act that makes it more difficult for a government to burden an individual's practicing of his or her faith, even in the public square.
