Where are the Jobs?

Date: July 20, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. ELLISON. Where are the jobs? Well, my friends in the party opposite should know; they're the ones who lost them. The fact is that, in Bush's last month in August, he lost 741,000 jobs, an amazing feat.

My friends in the party opposite talk about debt. Is this the same party that had two unpaid-for wars, $700 billion in cuts for the wealthy unpaid for, a $400 billion handout to big PhRMA? Do they speak of debt? My friends of the party opposite sat by and did nothing while foreclosures, predatory lending, and explosions in executive pay brought us the largest number of foreclosures since the Great Depression, refused to regulate in any particular way, and now they say, ``Where are the jobs?'' and they talk of debt. This is an amazing amount of audacity.

I wonder, where are the jobs? They should know; they're the ones who lost them. We're trying to find them, and we're being successful.
