Extension of Unemployment Insurance

Date: July 14, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. McDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, recently Senator John Kyl called unemployment insurance ``a necessary evil,'' and I must say his statement gave me some clarity for the first time in months. I've been mystified about how the Republicans could repeatedly block unemployment benefits in a struggling economy that they drove into the ditch.

I couldn't grasp this reasoning behind depriving millions of American families the support they need to buy food and pay their mortgage while they searched for work. Now, I understand that Republicans evidently believe that helping jobless workers is an evil.

I foolishly thought we might hear some compassion from the very party that is causing countless Americans to lose their lifeline. I just hope that enough Republicans in the other body will find the courage to buck their party and end this.

Millions of families are counting on them. Their phone calls come into my office every single day from all over the country: When will the extended benefits be put back in? And I say, look to the Republicans in the Senate.
