Issue Position: Illegal Immigration

Issue Position

Issues: Immigration

Did you know?
* Over 15 million Americans are out of work, yet 8 million illegal aliens have jobs.
* 29% of U.S. prisoners are illegal aliens, costing American taxpayers of more than $1.6 billion per year.
* 95% of homicide and 67% of fugitive felony warrants in LA are issued for illegal aliens.
* 83% of homicide warrants in Phoenix are issued for illegal aliens.
* 86% of homicide warrants issued in Albuquerque, NM are issued for illegal aliens.
* Over 40% of pedophiles arrested by Operation Predator are illegal aliens.

Legal immigration by those that want to embrace America's ideals should be encouraged. Illegal immigration should not be tolerated.

Illegal immigration exists because existing laws are not enforced and our bureaucratic social programs are a magnet. Passing more laws will do nothing to solve this problem unless the new laws are directed toward forcing government agencies to do their job and removing welfare incentives.

Failing to consistently enforce laws is unfair to those who follow the law, creates confusion about whether a law will be enforced, and leads to a lack of respect for law in general. Illegal Immigration is a perfect example of these broader truths. While enforcement is the responsibility of the executive branch, Congress can help the enforcement of existing laws. Policies that discourage vigorous enforcement of existing laws should also be repealed. Agencies that fail to enforce immigration laws should be defunded.

Laws and policies that encourage illegal immigration or provide government-funded services to illegal immigrants should be repealed.

What's going on in your state? State by state drivers license requirements according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In Tennessee, we require a current visa and the license automatically expires with the visa expiration. This is what should be minimally required in every state of the United States for those who are not citizens but wish to obtain a drivers license.
