Op-Ed: Martha Roby: Washington Doesn't Get It


By Martha Roby

Published by The Montgomery Advertiser on July 7, 2010\

Washington just doesn't get it. As I've traveled across the Second District and listened to the concerns of voters from all walks of life, I've heard this theme over and over again.

Alabamians are fed up and are rightfully demanding a representative who is accountable, accessible and, most of all, willing to listen to their concerns. It's not good enough to just recognize the challenges this country faces. We need someone who can offer solutions.

In my two terms on the Montgomery City Council, I have consistently offered solutions to make our city a cleaner, safer and better place to live and do business. I want to bring that same common-sense, conservative approach with me to Washington.

There are four priorities that we need to address to get our country back on track.

First, we need to put Alabama's Second District back to work. We simply cannot sustain more double-digit unemployment and an economy stuck in neutral. We've seen the Democrats' plan -- stimulus spending, government takeover of private companies, and more burdensome regulations -- and it's not working. More spending and bigger government is not the answer. We must unleash the engine of economic growth, and allow Americans to innovate, start and grow businesses and create jobs.

To do this we need to keep taxes low and reform the tax code to make it simpler to put money back in the hands of job creators. We must stop imposing burdensome regulations and job killing policies like cap-and-trade and Obamacare. This type of legislation is creating too much uncertainty and holding our economy back.

Second, we need a smaller, leaner, more limited government. Because of Washington's addiction to spending, America is careening on a path towards an unsustainable future. It is simply wrong for Congress to pass the buck onto future generations because they are unwilling to get their fiscal house in order. Just like families across the country are tightening their belts to make ends meet, the federal government must do the same.

We need someone who is willing to say "No" and break Washington's addiction to wasteful spending. I have a track record of cutting wasteful spending on the Montgomery City Council, and I promise to do the same in Washington.

Third, Washington is broken, and we need to fix it. People are fed up with Congress and politicians in Washington because they see a government that is arrogant, bloated and unresponsive. The liberal leadership has crafted major legislation behind closed doors, shut down debate, and rammed it through Congress. We need to increase transparency and accountability so we can make it the "People's House" once again.

We can increase transparency and accountability by requiring bills to be posted for 72 hours before they are voted on. We should require that all legislation be given a fair and open hearing. We should require that Congress abide by the laws they pass. We should require that every piece of legislation begin with an explanation of its constitutionality.

Lastly, we need a stronger America, both at home and abroad. From economic stagnation to Islamic terrorism, there are many threats to our place in the world. We must constantly be vigilant and adapt to maintain our position of strength. Our military must be equipped and trained so we don't lose our edge. We must innovate and grow our economy. We must be concerned with the deterioration of the traditional family and our culture.

These are the priorities that will guide me should I be elected to represent you in Congress. I commit to not only vote the right way, but to fight for you every day. I ask for your vote on July 13 in the Republican runoff election.
