Gulf Coast Restoration Act to Clean up Oil Spill, Hold BP Accountable

Press Release

Date: July 1, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Yesterday, Rep. Jim McDermott, along with Reps. Jim Langevin, Steve Israel, Jim Himes, Gerry Connolly, Betty Sutton, Maurice Hinchey, Earl Blumenauer, and John Lewis, introduced HR 5654, the Gulf Coast Restoration Act, legislation that will create new jobs and national service positions to clean and restore the Gulf Coast. Funding for these jobs and services would be provided by BP in accordance with the company's liability under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. The legislation has already been endorsed by the 54 Member Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition.

"We have now learned twice--both in the wake of the Exxon Valdez spill and in cleaning up this disaster--that oil companies will never hold themselves accountable for their mistakes," Rep. Jim McDermott said. "It's going to take Congress and the Administration to force oil companies to do their fair share. This bill will both help clean up the Gulf and provide a much-needed infusion of jobs into the region. We have heard from BP over and over again that it is prepared to fund the cleanup of the Gulf Coast and compensate those whose livelihoods have been devastated by the spill. And over and over again, the American public has seen how unprepared BP was to handle a catastrophic event like the Deepwater Horizon incident."

Rep. Jim Langevin said, "The Gulf Coast Restoration Act creates desperately-needed jobs that will begin the long-term restoration of the Gulf ecosystem. There's no time to waste in getting these efforts underway, and there is no better resource than the hard working men and women who live in the affected areas."

"BP has a responsibility to restore the fisheries and beaches of the Gulf Coast. This bill will ensure that they fulfill that responsibility to Gulf Coast residents," said Rep. Gerry Connolly.

"This project, which would be fully funded by British Petroleum, helps provide relief to victims of the tragedies of both the recession and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill," Rep. Jim Himes said. "As we work to ensure BP pays for the complete clean up and damages associated with the spill, this legislation will have the added benefit of creating good-paying jobs."

"Right now we are facing the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf and the struggle to create new jobs. The Gulf Coast Restoration Act will confront these challenges while holding BP and Big Oil accountable," said Rep. Steve Israel.

An estimated one million Gulf Coast residents will face permanent job loss as a result of the Deepwater Horizon incident, and experts predict that recovery from the environmental devastation will take years, if not decades. Some fisheries and ecosystems will likely never return to their pre-spill viability.
