Issue Position: Enviornment and Energy

Issue Position

These strongly tie in together and Florida should be the world leader in the production of solar energy. There should be solar panels on every flattop roof of businesses, warehouse buildings, and malls. This does not require extra land use and solar power produces zero emissions.

Cloudy Germany started using solar panels when their government adopted into law for its utility companies to subsidize the solar upstarts. The cleanly created power enters the utilities' grids to the consumers.

The State of California has a project covering 1.5 square miles of warehouse rooftops with solar panels.

Installing solar panels will create jobs now and make clean energy and preserve the Florida environment for future enjoyment of future generations.

Nuclear power plants require:

1. Enormous construction costs, which would be passed on to consumers and tax payers.
2. Power lines built through undeveloped land, destroying natural habitat.
3. Nuclear waste disposal. To where?
4. Who wants to live near a Nuclear Plant? Someone will be forced to.
5. Terrorists could target these nuclear plants.

We all need energy efficient appliances. Refrigerators and Air Conditioning units are our largest electric consuming devices. What can we do to improve wasted usage, improvements to your home with reflective house paint, reflective roof tops, seal windows and doors, even the use of fans that moves air to feel cooler and use less a/c energy?
