Issue Position: 2nd Amendment Rights

Issue Position

Issues: Guns

Our Constitution provides for the right to keep and bear arms; the right to protect our person, property, and family is a God given right. It is the cornerstone to our Republic and provides the people the "checks and balances" needed to prevent tyranny in our nation. I will not support any further restrictions to gun ownership by responsible citizens and will vote accordingly.

Mike is a member of the NRA and supports their efforts to prevent further restrictions on gun ownership on the Local, State, and National level.

Mike believes in the literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and does not see any other part of our Constitution that allows Federal laws to restrict gun ownership.

Mike believes that man has the inherent right to defend himself, his property, and his family by whatever means is necessary to preserve his own life from those seeking to do harm.

Mike supports State to State reciprocation of "Concealed Carry" permits no matter where they are issued.

Mike believes that the 2nd Amendment protects us from intrusions on the 1st Amendment and that any effort to seize our right to keep and bear arms as the end to Liberty and Freedom.

Mike sees the veiled attempts to restrict the free exchange of purchasing firearms, ammunition, and reloading equipment as nothing more than another restriction on our 2nd Amendment right and will not support any efforts to pass such legislation.

Mike believes that any requirement for mental evaluation, declaring firearm ownership on tax returns, and other restrictions to firearm ownership are subjective in nature. The 2nd Amendment is not.
