Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

President Obama is on record as advocating a universal, single-payer, socialized medicine system. But as a shrewd politician, he knew that could not pass. So he and the Democrats in Congress contrived to pass a measure that puts us on the road to their ultimate goal of a Socialist America.

ObamaCare is not about reforming health care or insurance coverage. It is about government intruding into and controlling more and more of our lives.

ObamaCare will not reduce the cost of health care. It will not increase access to health care. It will not improve the quality of health care.

ObamaCare will increase costs. It will increase taxes. It will harm our economy. It will ultimately lead to health care rationing by federal bureaucrats.

It is frightening to think that we are now on the road to a future in which who will receive medical care, when they will receive it, and for how long, will be decided by a government bureaucrat. This has been described as a system with the efficiency of the Postal Service and the compassion of the IRS.

My friends, we are losing our liberty in what should be one of the most private areas of life.

We need to Repeal Obamacare. But we also need to fix the legitimate problems that exist in our health care system.

We can accomplish meaningful reform through patient-centered, consumer-based, free market solutions.

Health insurance choices must belong to the individual. Health care decisions must be controlled by patients and their doctors, not by insurance companies or government bureaucrats.

As your Congressman, I will work to roll-back the socialist tide and re-establish health care freedom of choice for all Americans.
