Issue Position: Economic Growth and Job Creation

Issue Position

My number one priority in Congress will be to support policies that lead to economic growth and job creation.

We must pursue policies that will free the great economic engine of the American Free Enterprise System to do its job.

The Free Enterprise System is not the problem it is the solution! History has shown that it has created the world's greatest economic prosperity and the high standard of living that Americans have enjoyed for generations.

In contrast, history also shows that Socialism is a failed economic theory. It suppresses personal incentive and creativity, suppresses capital formation and investment, and suppresses economic growth and job creation.

To restore the enormous capability of the Free Enterprise System we must set the private sector free from excessive and onerous bureaucratic regulations. And we must reduce the tax burden upon our business community.

As your Congressman, I will:

Oppose any more so-called Stimulus Plans. This is nothing but massive and wasteful federal spending that grows government, but does not help the private sector.

Support Comprehensive Tax Reform that abolishes all federal income taxes, including corporate taxes, and eliminates the IRS. I favor the Fair Tax, but until that is successful I am agreeable with moving to a Flat Rate income tax. At the very least, we must reduce the corporate income tax rate which is the second highest in the world and puts American business at an unfair disadvantage. High corporate taxes have driven millions of jobs out of the U.S. and into foreign countries.

Oppose Cap and Trade legislation because it is really Tax and Kill legislation. In the name of helping the environment, this misguided approach will cripple our economy, raise taxes, raise utility costs, raise all consumer costs, and destroy jobs.

Support American Energy Independence by allowing increased domestic production of oil and natural gas, re-starting our nuclear energy program, enhancing clean coal production, and fully supporting the development alternative renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar power.
