Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Investing in America's future

The best way we can invest in the future of our country is to invest in our education system.

We face a broken economy, schools starving for resources and fewer teachers working with more students than ever before. Excellent public schools are vital to enable both our children's future and our economic recovery.

Strengthening our public education system means putting resources in classrooms, attracting and retaining first-rate teachers and principals, and ensuring that all young people have access to high quality public education from preschool to post-secondary education.

Building a strong future for our nation requires us to compete in a global economy, making investment in math, science and technology education in K-12 schools essential. This means investing in excellent teachers as well as modern resources for classrooms. Furthermore, we must work to keep college education accessible to all Americans who are willing to work hard and maintain good grades. This means supporting centers of excellence like those at ASU, bringing research investment in new technologies that will spin off new industries and jobs. Investing in our community colleges provides a much-needed resource for people looking to re-train in a new industry or excel with new technologies. We also need to control the cost of higher education by assisting parents and students on essential college costs, such as tuition and books.

We ignore the importance of education at our own jeopardy. Therefore, I am committed to working in conjunction with all those invested in strengthening Arizona's education system, from parents and students, to teachers, principals and school administrators.
