Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Quality, Affordable, Accessible Health Care for Your Family

Choices for Consumers with No Tax Increase

Pennsylvanians now have an effective healthcare option to consider. House Republicans have developed the "Real Prescription for Pennsylvania" with an emphasis on expanded health care choices, increased access, improved quality of services, and lower costs.

Quality - Ensuring Quality Health Care for PA Families - We believe health care decisions should be made by patients and doctors, not government. - We believe consumers deserve a wide choice of options, as opposed to having no choice under the Governor's plan.

Affordable - Driving Down Health Care Costs - Our plan drives down health care costs by offering a variety of tax credits, while the Governor's plan increases taxes. - Our plan introduces competition into the marketplace, ultimately driving down costs and offering better quality care.

Accessible - Making Health Care Accessible - Our plan expands the use of community health centers creating more access to health care services and cutting down the unnecessary use of emergency rooms. - Our plan includes medical liability reform to address the skyrocketing costs that are driving doctors out of the Commonwealth.
