Issue Position: Mission

Issue Position

What are the top 3 local/state issues facing the people of District 22?

1. The need for good paying jobs is the most important issue facing our communities. I have two daughters who I hope can someday raise my grandchildren in this area. Without major changes in current tax policies and regulations it will continue to be difficult to attract new businesses or for our existing businesses to add new jobs.

2. Government spending is continuing to spiral out of control.

3. Delivery of equitable and adequate education to rural areas without more forced consolidations.

If elected, how do you plan to address those issues?

1. I will work to reduce the taxes on Arkansas businesses. We currently rank 40th nationally for business tax environment. I will work to enact lawsuit reform that will help attract new employers to the state.

2. I will work to find a way to deal with unfunded federal mandates. Unfunded Medicare and Medicaid liabilities, additional unemployment costs, and the ever increasing burden of cost shifting by the federal government are setting us up for fiscal disaster. I will be part of sending a clear message to Washington that this cannot continue.

3. I will work to ensure that rural schools meeting the mandatory consolidation threshold aren't forced to consolidate because of gaps in the funding formula. We have some of the finest school teachers in America. I will work to reduce the burden of state and federal regulations that continue to make it more difficult to educate our children. Let our teachers teach!

What separates you from your opponent?

I have a record as a taxpayer advocate and community volunteer. I'm actively working to bring comprehensive development to our region. I'm a farmer and small businessman and I know firsthand that the tax dollars our government spends are the product of hard work and should be spent carefully and frugally. I will effectively represent the common sense values of the people of District 22 at the state Capitol because I share those values.
