Joe Sestak: Working Families Can't Wait for Jobs Bill

Press Release

Date: June 9, 2010
Location: Media, PA
Issues: Taxes

Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak released the following statement as the Senate takes up consideration of a critical jobs bill, The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 (H.R. 4213), amid filibuster threats and reports that passage is uncertain. This bill, which Joe voted for and the House passed in May, would extend unemployment compensation and assistance for working families, provide critical assistance to states to prevent layoffs, and close tax loopholes exploited by hedge fund managers and corporations that shelter profits overseas. Joe also wrote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, urging both chambers to include an extension of COBRA health benefits for the unemployed through year's end.

"While the Senate is mired in politics, working families are wondering how they are going to make ends meet," Joe said. "Hardworking people have borne the brunt of the economic collapse through no fault of their own, and if we don't pass this bill more than 100,000 Pennsylvanians will lose their unemployment compensation in just two weeks. Extending unemployment and assistance for families in need isn't just the right thing to do for them, it's right for our economy. These investments keep families in their homes and stimulate small businesses here in Pennsylvania."

In his letter on COBRA (included below), Joe points out that without the subsidy that he worked to have extended in December, COBRA payments would consume nearly all of an unemployed worker's compensation. These workers would have to decide between maintaining their health insurance and feeding their families. As importantly, failing to extend the subsidy would risk forcing hospitals and other health care providers to cut back on employment at a time when our economic recovery remains vulnerable.

"If we fail to extend these provisions, millions of working families will face unaffordable health insurance premiums or the prospect of being uninsured," wrote Joe. "At the same time, health care providers will be put under greater economic strain, hampering our economic recovery. I urge you to restore these provisions to extend COBRA premium assistance through the end of 2010 to protect working families still harshly affected by this recession."
