Congressman Cardoza Released the Following Statement on the Gaza Flotilla Incident:


Date: June 4, 2010

Many of Israel's detractors have quickly jumped to conclusions about who is to blame in the tragedy that occurred along the Gaza Coast. We would all do well to wait until all the facts of the incident with the Gaza flotilla are known. In the meantime, we cannot ignore all that Israel has endured. During my travels there, I have seen firsthand the aftermath of the terrorist attacks against our friends in the Middle East. Israel has suffered indiscriminate rocket attacks that have impacted children going to school and shoppers going to the local market. For years suicide bombers terrorized the countryside and killed numerous Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. In an instance like this, it is important to know all of the facts before making a judgment. However, I firmly believe Israel has the right -- and the absolute responsibility -- to protect its citizens.
