Issue Position: Strengthening Our Communities

Issue Position

Representative Conklin has been a strong believer in strengthening our commonwealth by strengthening our communities. In a constantly fluctuating world, our communities are the foundations that keep us grounded.

Representative wants to continue strengthening our communities by:

* Supporting Community Firemen through grants, tax breaks and by allowing them to hold legal Texas Hold'Em tournaments as fundraisers
* Allowing College communities to impose an additional $200 Fine for Alcohol related offenses
* Improving our schools by fully funding them, expanding Pre-K counts, and working with educators to improve the quality of our schools
* Fostering the creation of family sustaining Jobs
* Continuing to support responsible legislation like the Puppy Mill bill he recently helped pass which stopped abusive treatment of puppies
* Create an Arson Registry since Arson has a high recidivism rate and this would help our law enforcement officials reduce crime rates
