Statement of U.S. Representative Kendrick B. Meek Regarding the 1st District Court of Appeals Ruling Against the NAACP

Date: July 17, 2004
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Judicial Branch

Statement of U.S. Representative Kendrick B. Meek Regarding the 1st District Court of Appeals Ruling Against the NAACP

WASHINGTON, DC-U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek released the following statement today on a ruling of the 1st District Court of Appeals:

"The decision released today by the 1st District Court of Appeals does not comment on the merits of the NAACP's case against the One Florida program, but merely throws the case out on a technicality.

"The Board of Regents was an out-of-touch relic that voters wisely chose to disband in 2001. It is, however, unfortunate that the Board of Governors has chosen to continue this effort to strip fairness out of our institutions of higher learning.

"It is clear that the One Florida program and others like it in Texas and California have serious issues in keeping our institutions reflective of our increasingly diverse states. The legal challenges to One Florida will continue, and I will support them fully.

"I commend the NAACP's efforts to demand fairness and equality for the children and young people of Florida.
