Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus

Date: May 25, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, one of the most difficult challenges facing our Nation's future is providing clean, affordable, and reliable energy. Rural America has tremendous wind potential. Unfortunately, these wind energy sources lack infrastructure, including the expansion of transmission systems to deliver wind power from its sources to centers of population.

We need to have the ability to create energy in one part of the country and use it in another without significant loss in either efficiency or usability. My friends, we need to continue to explore any and all viable forms of research and development in renewable energy.

On Thursday, Members of Congress will have the chance to see what the future may hold for our Nation's energy resources at the 13th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Expo. There are still hurdles to overcome, and now is the time to begin working for a strong and diverse renewable energy portfolio.
