Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Develop Better Solutions for Equitable Healthcare

President Obama's health care bill taxes too much, spends too much, is bad for our health care, and is unconstitutional. Doctors, nurses, and health practitioners have worked hard to get where they are, and they want to serve their patients, not the government. As your representative in Washington, Tim Scott will fight against government takeover of health care.

So what is the alternative? Despite our problems, the U.S. healthcare system is the envy of the world. People come from all over the world to be trained in our medical schools, to be treated in our hospitals, and to benefit from our pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Waiting lists are very rare, and Americans value their ability to choose their insurance, their providers, and their course of treatment. Let's not lose what is good about our health care system.

Tim Scott believes in targeted, common sense reforms that will make health care more affordable, reduce the number of uninsured Americans, and increase the quality of care at a price our country can afford. Americans who like their health care coverage should be able to keep it, and all Americans should be free to choose the health plan that best meets their needs. Medical decisions should be made by patients and their providers, not by Washington bureaucrats.

How can we reduce the cost and improve the quality of our healthcare? We must reform the medical tort system, through a cap on non-economic damages and by supporting physician efforts to develop evidence-based safe harbors, peer-reviewed health courts, and administrative reforms. And insurance reform will reduce costs while improving coverage.

We should prevent insurance companies from interfering with the physician-patient relationship, eliminate unnecessary hassles and unfair payment practices, and fight for reimbursement decisions that are based on patient care, not on economics.

We must ensure that our seniors get the care they deserve, by enacting Medicare reform which would provide adequate physician funding, eliminate unfunded mandates to the states, and reduce costly and counterproductive administrative burdens.

Tim Scott believes that we can improve Americans' lives through effective prevention, wellness, and disease management programs, while developing new treatments and cures for life-threatening diseases.

Tim Scott's position on bioethics issues? He supports adult and cord blood stem cell research, but he opposes the use of taxpayer dollars for research on human embryos. He supports a ban on human cloning and on creation of human embryos solely for experimentation.

Tim Scott is pro-life and opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide, as well as the non-consensual withholding of care because of disability, age, or infirmity. "Liberty is to the collective body what health is to every individual body. Without health, no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society" -- Thomas Jefferson
