Moran Praises President's Decision to Delay, Cancel Offshore Drilling Plans

Press Release

Date: May 27, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Virginia Congressman Jim Moran, Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior and Environment and senior member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee issued the following statement regarding the President's announcement on offshore drilling this morning:

"I greatly appreciate the Obama Administration listening to our concerns and wisely pulling back on offshore drilling in light of what is shaping up to be the worst ecological disaster in our nation's history. This pragmatic decision will help ensure another catastrophe like the Gulf Coast disaster doesn't repeat itself."

On decision to cancel Virginia Lease Sale 220

"Virginia had everything to lose and little to gain from Lease Sale 220. Aside from the obvious environmental concerns, the Defense Department was adamantly opposed to drilling in this area. Naval operations in Norfolk represent thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions in economic activity. Our naval assets, including the ongoing battle to keep a major aircraft carrier from being relocated to Florida, far outweigh the illusory benefits from drilling.

"Despite Governor McDonnell's contention, drilling in Lease Sale 220 would not generate one dime for Virginia's transportation needs. Drilling activities in federal waters off Virginia's coast go to the federal government, not the states. It's unlikely the interior states who represent a majority in Congress, would go along with sharing revenues. And even under even the most optimistic projections, it would have been nearly a decade before any revenues from drilling could be realized.

"Off shore, Virginia has some of the best corridors for wind power in the world. The military has given the green light to a number of areas under consideration that could one day power the entire state. That should be our energy focus, an energy plan for the 21st century, rather than the 20th."

The President is expected to announce the following decisions this morning:

1. Delay the next 5- year oil leasing plan

2. Suspend Arctic ocean drilling permits already issued to Shell for drilling this summer

3. Six month pause in oil leasing

4. Stop the Virginia sale 220 completely

5. Implement much more rigorous oil development regulations for oversight

6. Suspend upcoming lease sales in the western Gulf of Mexico
