Blog: Thank You For Your Support


Date: May 7, 2010
Issues: Elections

Thank you for electing me to represent our conservative cause this fall. My wife Kathryn and I are overwhelmed by the generous support we've received throughout this campaign.

I want to express my respect and admiration for the other seven candidates. As I traveled around the district speaking with folks like Kristi Risk, John Lee Smith, Dan Stockton, Steve Westell, and Bud Bernitt, it was clear that we shared common values and a common goal.

Now it is time for all of us to unify behind a common purpose of limited, Constitutional government that operates within its means. We are campaigning on more than just saying "no" to extreme liberal policies. We are offering real change that trims government, protects liberties and restores free market principles.

This is my first foray into politics, and I believe our country needs new, fresh perspectives in Congress like mine. As Evan Bayh recently noted, "Congress is not operating as it should…Even at a time of enormous national challenge, the people's business is not getting done." I could not agree more.

Unfortunately my opponent -- Trent VanHaaften -- supports the agenda of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi that Evan Bayh so aptly deplored. VanHaaften is a seasoned political operative who has worked his way up the ranks of Indiana House Democrat leadership by voting with them lock-step. We cannot afford more of this agenda in Congress, but I will need your help to defeat it.

The stakes for our country and for Indiana are extremely high. For that reason I take this victory and nomination very seriously. Please join me in this cause starting today.

Thank you again for your support and for making this possible.

Larry Bucshon
