Issue Position: Internet & Broadband

Issue Position

Joe Sestak's position on technological development and innovation is born out of his strong support of small and independent businesses. The rise of the internet, and the immense technological innovation that has come with it, has created a new avenue for economic competition that has greatly benefited our Nation.


Joe will continue working to encourage progress and innovation in the telecommunications field by supporting initiatives to:

Maintain and expand access, especially in rural and other underserved areas, to high speed internet service that does not discriminate based on content;

Encourage small businesses innovation with further SBIR grants and establish institutionalized methods for connecting "angel" investors with fledgling businesses and technologies;

Facilitate further public/private partnerships and support regional growth organizations, which can address impediments holding back effective economic developments that occur across state lines;

Will continue supporting these investments, which will lead to a healthier economic environment and continued technological development.

Monitor progress of stimulus broadband grants and loans;

Encourage robust investment in network-centric innovation and procurement by the armed forces.

Will continue support for the network component of the Army Future Combat Systems, or other similar programs, which will revolutionize how brigade combat teams operate in the field and enhance unit cohesion;

Will track progress of his amendment, which was successfully enacted in the House version of the FY 2010 NDAA, to commission two Department of Defense studies to analyze alternative models and recommend changes from the present Service-based approach for acquisition and funding of inter-connected cyberspace systems.

When possible, procurement by the Joint forces should be favored because it is in the best position to address cyber security needs with a smoother acquisitions process.
