Honoring Doug Bereuter

Date: July 8, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

HONORING Doug Bereuter -- (House of Representatives - July 08, 2004)

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Miller of Michigan). Under the Speaker's announced policy of January 7, 2003, the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. Osborne) is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader.


Mr. TANNER. I thank the gentleman. I wanted to be here tonight because I think so highly of DOUG and Louise Bereuter. I have had the privilege of traveling with DOUG and Louise, Betty and I have for the last 8 or 10 years, to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which is arguably now in this age of worldwide global terrorism, one of the stronger links that we have with Europe, one of the most important relationships we have with respect to international cooperation and international help as it relates to our foreign policy.

I must tell Members, I know DOUG has been a terrific representative for the people of Nebraska while he has served here in the House, but he has made an enormous contribution to this country. As my friend, the gentlewoman California (Mrs. Tauscher), said earlier, his diplomacy and his ability to relate with legislators, parliamentarians from other countries around the world, and particularly in the time that I have been with him in Europe, is something that is going to be sorely, sorely missed.

We need the cooperation, respect and the help of other countries as we attempt to lead the world in this war of international terrorism. DOUG BEREUTER has made a contribution presently serving as President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. And I want to pick up on something the gentleman from California (Mr. Lewis) said. When we go to Europe to the NATO meetings, DOUG does not go as a Republican. I do not go as a Democrat. We go as American parliamentarians, American Members of Congress, to try to further our country's interests abroad.

He was a quintessential and is a quintessential salesman, a man who is respected not so much because they always agree with him or us, but because he always treats people with the kind of kindness, understanding, and commitment to their point of view that we expect them to extend to us. And so I just wanted to come tonight and say thanks in this formal way to DOUG and Louise for their many years of service to our country and particularly for their leadership within the European sphere.

He is moving on now to the Asia Foundation, and I would hope and I know that his service there will be as rewarding and as fruitful to the country, to his country, to our country as his time serving in Europe has been.

I thank the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. Osborne) for hosting us tonight in this tribute to DOUG. We appreciate it very much.
