Statement Of U.S. Senator Herb Kohl On The Nomination Of Solicitor General Elena Kagan To The Supreme Court


Date: May 10, 2010
Issues: Judicial Branch

U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, second in seniority among Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement about President Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The Judiciary Committee is responsible for conducting nomination hearings for the Supreme Court.

"Elena Kagan appears to be a well-qualified choice. We look forward to reviewing her as a nominee to the Supreme Court and getting a window into her judicial philosophy and legal views during the upcoming hearings. In light of her critique of Supreme Court confirmation hearings as often times a 'vapid and hollow charade, in which repetition of platitudes has replaced discussion of viewpoints and personal anecdotes have supplanted legal analysis,' we certainly do hope that she will provide us with substantive and meaningful insight into the kind of Supreme Court Justice she would be. I will once again convene my bipartisan Supreme Court Task Force to evaluate Elena Kagan's record and qualifications."
