Issue Position: Energy Independence

Issue Position

We can no longer ignore the blood and treasure we spend protecting foreign oil investments. It is time for America to solve its own energy problems. We must secure energy independence for America now. This is a matter of national security, and one that I will strongly advocate for in Washington.

Arkansas can lead the way in the coming green jobs revolution. Small windmills have already gone up in the First District, and are capable of supplying energy to homes and businesses everywhere. Our state is also ready to lead the way in the areas of solar, geothermal, hydropower, and biofuel technology. Arkansas State University is currently working on converting various cellulosic materials into biofuels, and I believe this is just the kind of research and development that our government should invest in.

Our energy solutions will spring from a mix of current and emerging technologies, and I believe the only way to encourage that growth is through incentive-based legislation, not punitive "cap-and-tax" based programs.
