Congress Passes Veterans Health Bill, Includes Several Grassley-backed Provisions

Press Release

Date: April 22, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Chuck Grassley applauded today's Senate passage of major veterans health legislation, which includes several provisions that Grassley worked to pass. The legislation now goes to the President to be signed into law.

The Caregiver and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act enhances VA health care for female veterans, provides additional support for family caregivers, expands mental health services, and improves traumatic brain injury care.

"Our veterans are the reason we enjoy the freedoms we have today. Their efforts keep our country safe from those who wish to harm our democracy and way of life. When they return from war, we must redouble our efforts to give them what they need to adjust. This includes doing everything possible to heal both physical and mental wounds, as well as helping our veterans transition back to their everyday lives," Grassley said. "The provisions in this bill are an important step in moving the veterans health care system forward and better addressing mental health injuries that are occurring at alarming rates."

Grassley cosponsored the Caregiver and Veterans Health Services Act, which is a major portion of the bill that was passed today. This legislation will provide training, financial assistance, medical and mental health care, and respite care to a family member who is the full-time caregiver of a veteran injured in the line of duty.

The Caregiver and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act alsoincludes provisions of the Honor Act, a Grassley co-sponsored bill, which will improve treatment for veterans and service members who have incurred mental injuries and better prepare them for stress associated with combat as well as their return home.

The bill also includes additional Grassley co-sponsored provisions that will improve access to VA health care for rural veterans.
