Capito: CMS Report Confirms Warnings About Health Care Bill

Press Release

Date: April 23, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., today reacted to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) report released yesterday confirming that our nation's overall health spending will increase under the Democrats' $2 trillion health care bill recently signed into law, despite the President's pledge to slow the growth of health costs for Americans.

"CMS's report has verified what many of us have said throughout this entire debate: health care costs will go up as a result of the recently passed partisan bill," said Capito. "At a time of record deficits, record unemployment and continued tax increases, my constituents simply cannot afford to bear the brunt of increased health care costs. This is not the change they deserve."

In addition to increased health spending projections, CMS also reported that 50 percent of seniors will lose their Medicare Advantage plans. West Virginia currently has 72,000 Medicare Advantage enrollees who stand to lose coverage.

"Many West Virginia seniors who currently rely on Medicare Advantage for their health care coverage will be forced to incur higher out of pocket spending for their health needs," remarked Capito. "We should not be cutting a popular, successful health program that our seniors' rely on to stay healthy and well."
