Issue Position: 2nd Amendment Rights

Issue Position

Issues: Guns

Solutions to Protecting the 2nd Amendment and Sportsmen's Rights

The right to bear arms is enshrined in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Sportsmen, hunters, gun enthusiasts and citizens concerned for their personal safety are guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms. Yet this right is under constant attack by the Washington liberals appealing to a narrow constituency that wants to attack the symptoms, not the disease. Only a government that does not trust its citizens would refuse them the right to bear arms.

Law-abiding citizens are not causing the crime wave in America, but rather criminals who have no respect for the law. Instead of taking rights away from law-abiding Americans by enacting new gun control laws, I believe we should enforce the many gun laws that are already on the books and assist states in fighting crime by putting criminals behind bars.

My record is solid in support of the 2nd Amendment, and, in the Georgia General Assembly, I have been the go-to-guy for the NRA introducing, co-authoring and supporting legislation that protects and expands gun rights for law-abiding citizens. As a Lifetime Member of the NRA and avid sportsman, I am proud to fight for law abiding citizens who wish to defend themselves and for the preservation of our hunting heritage.
