Issue Position: Spending

Issue Position

Solutions to End Wasteful Spending

America faces many difficult challenges and we won't be any stronger or better prepared for what lies ahead if we continue down the road of reckless spending and leave the bill for future generations to pay. Because Congress has proven that it does not exercise restraint when it comes to opening the federal wallet, we are left with more than $1 trillion in budget deficits that now plague our nation. That's nearly $47,000 for every man, woman and child in our country. We must practice disciplined and responsible spending of taxpayer dollars to ensure that we get ourselves out of the budget deficit trap under which we've been placed in by D.C. elites.

My agenda has always been lower taxes and smaller government, but slowing the growth of government alone won't get our fiscal house in order. Congress must enact several common sense reforms that will make great strides in reforming our budget and controlling government spending.

*Reduce Wasteful Government Spending.

Congress has disregarded sound fiscal responsibility by inserting billions of dollars worth of pork barrel spending without regard for the hard earned tax dollars working Americans send to Washington. Members from both parties are to blame. This practice must stop because it threatens our economy and our national security. It's time Congress allocates tax dollars just like every working family, prioritize our needs and cut back on those things we cannot afford.

*Adopt a Balanced Budget Amendment.

I am dead serious about balancing the budget of this country. Each of us has to sit around our kitchen table and make tough decisions to balance our family's budget. It is time Congress lived within its means and made the tough decisions to balance this nation's checkbook - the same way everyone else does - don't spend more than you take in. A balanced budget will force Congress to cut spending, eliminate unnecessary programs and reduce its reach into the pockets of Americans.

*Enact A Line Item Veto To Eliminate Pork.

Passing a constitutional amendment giving the President the authority to line-item veto either by eliminating or reducing appropriations in any bill passed by Congress is an effective tool to reduce federal spending. Congress must set priorities for federal spending; but if it fails to act without exercising some type of fiscal restraint, the President should have the ability and the responsibility to eliminate this wasteful spending that Congress has been so efficient in producing.
