Reid: Democrats Committed To Cleaning Up Wall Street, Republicans Fighting For Business As Usual


Date: April 14, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Reid: Democrats Committed To Cleaning Up Wall Street, Republicans Fighting For Business As Usual

Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement today following a bipartisan meeting with President Obama and other Congressional leaders regarding Wall Street reform:

"Every day, I hear from Nevadans who lost their savings and their economic security because of the greed and excess on Wall Street that put our economy on the brink of collapse. Middle-class families are hurting and they want us to make sure that the mistakes of the past aren't repeated. That's why Senate Democrats, led by Chairman Dodd, are working to reform Wall Street. Our proposal ensures that the reckless behavior that harmed our economy never happens again; that our financial system works for all Americans -- not just rich Wall Street executives; and that we will bring accountability and transparency back to our financial system.

"Our bipartisan meeting today with President Obama represents another opportunity for Republicans to help us end this latest era of irresponsibility on Wall Street. I have been disappointed by the public statements of some of my Republican colleagues opposing our efforts to reform Wall Street. So far, the only solution that Republicans have offered is to support the same policies that got us into this mess that put millions of Nevadans and Americans at risk.

"While Republicans are standing up for hedge fund managers and big banks, Democrats are protecting Main Street from the excesses of Wall Street. We're committed to putting an end to the business as usual, and we urge Republicans to work with us to clean up Wall Street."
