Price: "This Is Not A Policy For Security"


Date: April 7, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement as President Obama prepares to sign a new nuclear arms control treaty with Russia just days after the administration released its delayed Nuclear Posture Review.

"In any new treaty or review of our nuclear policies, the paramount focus must always be to keep Americans safe," said Congressman Price. "For over sixty years, America's nuclear arsenal has helped deter hostile nations from attacking us and our allies. Yet, the successful prevention of attacks in the past does not mean we should let our guard down in a way that many believe would result in endangering our nation.

"The Nuclear Posture Review contains several very troubling changes in American policy. It is simply reckless for the Obama administration to take the nuclear option off the table for any reason. Changing our posture in the event we are attacked with biological or chemical weapons by non-nuclear states would actually put Americans in greater danger by encouraging the proliferation of these weapons. And by prohibiting the development of new nuclear capabilities, this administration is ensuring that America's nuclear arsenal, our strongest deterrent against WMD attacks, will grow older and less reliable. This is not a policy for security.

"There are legitimate concerns that ratifying this treaty with Russia in conjunction with the administration's new nuclear policy will result in a unilateral disarmament. Before Senators vote, their responsibility is to first ensure that it does not endanger our citizens, our interests, or our allies nor impair our ability to pursue a strong missile defense program."
