MSNBC "The Ed Show" -Transcript


Date: Feb. 3, 2010


SCHULTZ: Joining me now is Connecticut Congressman Joe Courtney. His wife Audrey, who is a registered nurse practitioner, she volunteered at this health care clinic today.

Congressman, good to have you with us here today.

Give us an update if you can on where the pulse of the politicians is at this hour when it comes to passing getting the health care done. Now, the president went over and talked to the Senate Democrats today and pretty much said, get this thing done.

Where are we at this hour, Congressman?

REP. JOE COURTNEY (D), CONNECTICUT: Well, to be honest with you, I think we"re at a pretty precarious moment. The issue is alive. I mean, there"s definitely work being done on it.

But I think this program, which really puts the spotlight on what the issue is about, it"s not about this senator or this member of Congress. It"s really about the people of this country and the people who are in Hartford, Connecticut, today at the clinic.

I mean, I want to salute you and all the staff that were there. Again, Audrey was one of the folks helping out today. And what you have done is transformed peopled lives, changed their lives. But the fact is, we need a system in place so people can take care of themselves and not rely on charity and begging to get the care that a great country should be able to figure out a way to provide.

SCHULTZ: Congressman, do you believe the Senate should go reconciliation?

COURTNEY: I do. You know, we"ve had visits on your show, Ed, and other guests to talk about the problems in the Senate bill which is going to, in my opinion, damage the support for this legislation for working families because of taxes and because of some of these crazy add-ons that took place in December.

Once that"s done, though, I think you"re going to see movement in the House. And we can get this over with and get in place a system that a great country is worthy of in terms of supplying health care to all Americans.

SCHULTZ: Congressman, good to have you with us tonight. Thanks so much.

COURTNEY: Great work, Ed.

SCHULTZ: You bet. Well, you"re one of the good guys that keeps fighting for what has to be done in this country.

And the thing that is so amazing, you know, if we cover every American, all of these righties in Washington running around squawking about the budget and the deficit, we"d save money. We"d save money. We would save money if we would do this.

Thank you, Congressman. Appreciate your time.

COURTNEY: OK. Take care, Ed.

SCHULTZ: You bet. Thank you.

