Schilling Condemns Violence and Threats

Press Release

Date: March 25, 2010
Location: East Moline, IL

Says debate should go on

Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the IL-17 District, condemned violence and threats against political candidates today. In an article published in the national political publication, Politico, Rep. Phil Hare voiced fear over growing threats of violence. Schilling said that violence in politics is never acceptable and that anyone giving threats should be punished.

"Violence and threats of violence, are not just un-American, they are immoral and despicable," said Schilling. "However, I do not believe that this should hamper the debate. Our representatives should have to face the people who voted them into office and be held accountable for their votes.The voters of the 17th District are upstanding citizens. They are not monsters that Congressman Hare should hide from. They are simply concerned citizens who are worried about how they are going to pay their mortgage, their car payments, their utilities and pay the massive tax increases associated with this healthcare takeover."

In the Politico article, Congressman Hare mentioned that he was planning on having 8 town hall meetings on healthcare. He went on to say that he might have to cancel them over concerns for his safety. Schilling responded and said that fear should never constrain the quest for American greatness.

"President Roosevelt was famous for saying that "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,'" said Schilling. "We cannot let random threats of violence stop this debate. Martin Luther King Jr. had reason to fear for his life and family, when he marched for civil rights, but he still marched. Susan B. Anthony had reason to fear for her life and family, when she fought for women's rights, but she still fought. Our Founding Fathers had reason to fear for their lives and families, when they signed the Declaration of Independence, but they still signed it. If Rep. Hare truly believes in what he votes on, then he should have no fear of facing his voters. Rep. Hare shouldn't hide behind the threats of a small, minute faction of extremists and use it as a reason to stop this debate."

Schilling also said that he knows many people who are associated with the tea parties and 9/12 groups and that all of them are "upstanding and moral people."

Schilling, a native of Rock Island. graduated from Alleman High School and attended Black Hawk College. Schilling, a local business owner and father of ten children, is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Bobby is running on a platform of bring jobs and real representation back to the 17th District. Earlier this year, Schilling conducted a 34-city "Bob's for Jobs" tour, where he met with voters and employers all across the 17th District.
