Perriello Blasts Senate Republicans For Blocking Unemployment Benefits


Date: Feb. 26, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Perriello today released the following statement, blasting Senate Republicans for blocking an emergency extension in unemployment benefits, among other important provisions.

"Enough is enough. Senate Republicans must stop playing games with the economic security of American workers. These workers deserve these benefits, and now when they need them the most, Senate Republicans are holding them hostage for partisan gain. Every week the Senate fails to act on the 290 bills already passed by the House, we are losing jobs. Well, next week, thanks to Senate Republicans, even those Americans who don't have jobs will pay the price for these partisan shenanigans."

Yesterday, the House unanimously passed emergency legislation to extend for 30 days programs that are expiring this weekend (at midnight, Sunday, February 28), including: unemployment benefits, help with health insurance for the unemployed (COBRA), funding for highway construction, and small business loan guarantees. But Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) is blocking passage of this emergency measure, despite the serious consequences for families across the nation. Nearly 1.2 million jobless workers will become ineligible for federal unemployment benefits in March, and letting the highway program lapse could put 90,000 jobs at risk in March -- a critical time at the start of construction season -- as bills submitted by states or local transit agencies for highway and transit projects would go unpaid starting Monday morning.
