Blog: More of the Same in Health Care Reform


Date: Feb. 22, 2010

Just days before hosting a so-called bipartisan meeting on health care reform, President Obama today put forth his Administration's proposal for health care. His proposal uses Majority Leader Reid's (D-NV) version of the bill as a starting point, and from the looks of it so far, it doesn't appear that the President changed much or took to heart the feedback of the American people from the past year of debate. Crafted behind closed doors and with no input from Republicans, this latest proposal falls far short of the bipartisanship the President promised the American people. Since the start, health care reform has been marred by closed door negotiations and back room deals, and this latest version from the White House is a far cry from the bipartisanship that the American people demand and the President promised. As I continue to review this newest version of health care reform, stay tuned for updates on what it would mean for you, your family, and our nation's economy.
