Rep. Maloney Testimony At City Council Hearing On NYC Terror Trials

Press Release

Date: Feb. 12, 2010
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Legal

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan, Queens) submitted the following testimony at a New York City Council hearing today on the proposed trials in federal court in lower Manhattan of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and other detainees: "Good afternoon. I would like to thank the Committees on Public Safety and Lower Manhattan Redevelopment for holding today's hearing. I commend Chairman Vallone and Chairwoman Chin for their leadership on behalf of New Yorkers who are deeply concerned about the consequences and cost of trying the self-described mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, and other detainees in lower Manhattan. I regret that a prior commitment prevents me from testifying today in person.

"The New York City Police Department has reported that providing security for the trials would require an enormous police presence, both in cars and on horseback, and thousands of metal barriers, among other security measures, in the neighborhood surrounding the courthouse. These measures would be an enormous burden on a community that to this day is still recovering from the 9/11 attacks.

"The City estimates that these and other security measures would cost $200 million per year, with a total cost approaching $1 billion for the duration of the trials. The cost to local businesses that would be severely disrupted by the trials would be incalculable.

"I join with Mayor Bloomberg, Commissioner Kelly, Manhattan Community Board 1, and many of my colleagues in the New York Congressional delegation in urging the federal government to consider trial venues other than in lower Manhattan. Alternative venues exist where security measures would be less costly, and, just as important, would have less of an impact on the day-to-day life of the surrounding community.

"Closing Guantanamo Bay and trying the 9/11 terrorists in a manner consistent with American values are what's important -- the trials could be held in any number of secure locations. There is no need to paralyze one of the most dense, urban areas of the country or to inconvenience tens of thousands of residents, business owners, and employees in order to bring these terrorists to justice.

"In addition, I urge the administration to make clear that wherever the trials are held, the federal government will pay for the entire cost of providing security. State and local governments should not have to bear the burden of this federal responsibility.

"None of us will ever forget the boundless horror of September 11, 2001 and the murder of thousands of our neighbors, family members, and friends. Bringing one of the plotters of the attacks to justice in an American courtroom will be a powerful demonstration to the world that our nation will never yield its fundamental values to the worst of humanity."
