At Some Point The Big Spending Must Stop


As Washington, D.C. braces for a big snow fall this weekend, the American people are bracing themselves for the Democrats' 2010 agenda. Americans were less than thrilled when President Obama introduced a $3.8 trillion budget. We discovered that the President's big talk on fiscal restraint led to an even bigger budget than last year. Washington desperately needs to listen up, cut spending and focus on job growth.

According to reports, the Senate is looking at bipartisan plans to cut taxes, but Speaker Pelosi is rejecting those proposals in favor of more government spending similar to the failed "stimulus."

The failed stimulus program is no surprise to economists. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal three economists state that, "Administration economists cited Keynesian models that predicted that the $787 billion stimulus package would increase GDP by enough to create 3.6 million jobs. Our own research showed that more modern macroeconomic models predicted only one-sixth of that GDP impact. Estimates by economist Robert Barro of Harvard predicted the impact would not be significantly different from zero."

Rather than implementing more of Speaker Pelosi's failed economic policies, we need to empower small businesses. That is why I introduce the JOBS Act which would leave money in the pockets of small business owners so they can rehire workers and maybe even expand. By leaving dollars in the people's pocket, we can shrink government and provide a real stimulus for businesses and the economy.
