Abercrombie: Hawaii Troops Benefited From Rep. Murtha's Support


Date: Feb. 8, 2010

Rep. Neil Abercombie today issued this statement on the passing of Rep. John Murtha, chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense:

"Jack Murtha was one of our nation's most experienced and effective lawmakers and a passionate advocate for our fighting men and women. He was my principle ally in reallocating defense dollars to replace equipment for the National Guard and Reserve. Every member of the Hawaii National Guard and Reserves was the direct beneficiary of that support. In recent years, we worked together to ensure that our nation's troops were properly trained and equipped so they can stay safe while protecting our country. Jack was devoted, totally, to this cause. He also worked to make sure that veterans received the health care and support they have been promised and deserve. We will all miss his wisdom and outspoken leadership in these challenging times."
