Murphy Response To The State Of The Union Address


In response to tonight's State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama, Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18) released the following statement:

"There are 15 million unemployed Americans and another nine million workers seeking better employment opportunities. Over the course of the last year, they have suffered the consequences of failed economic policies, increased government spending, mounting job losses, and higher taxes. It is time for work not words. American families want jobs and a paycheck, not another unemployment check. We can't waste anymore time getting back on track.

"Since the President signed the $862 billion stimulus bill into law a year ago, nearly three million more Americans have lost jobs and despite all the spending, we see no positive results. The evidence is clear: we can't borrow and spend our way back to economic stability. And taxing families and businesses right now would make a bad situation worse.

"The American public gets it, and has been right all along: It is time to stop Washington's wild spending and end bailouts paid for with taxpayer money. Americans are fed up with Washington's failures. More government and more spending is not the solution.

"Our focus instead must be on bringing back manufacturing jobs and growing American industries. We have the energy resources to power an economic resurgence but only if we stop sending our money to OPEC and start using our own natural gas, coal and nuclear energy to its fullest potential. The job growth potential is limitless and we can do that without raising taxes, borrowing money or another bailout. This isn't as complicated as Washington would have the American public believe. If we are beholden to other countries for our energy, our manufacturing and our debt then our economy will never rebound. Let's focus on using what we have at our disposal to get us back on track.

"Getting back on track also includes healthcare reform. But we know that government takeover of healthcare is not the way to go. From town halls to phone calls, millions of Americans have been asking for honest, straightforward reforms that will make quality healthcare more affordable and accessible. No secret meetings, no more backroom deals, no more huge tax increases, and no more payoffs to lawmakers to get votes. For years I've been fighting for real healthcare reforms to lower costs and better quality -- from the time I took on insurance companies with the Patient Bill of Rights in the Pennsylvania's State Senate to mental health parity in Congress. It is time to start over, and have the open and honest discussion the American people deserve. I'm ready to work together to make these things happen."
