Mollohan Joins New Congressional Coal Caucus

Press Release

Date: Jan. 29, 2010
Issues: Environment

Congressman Alan B. Mollohan joined more than 32 coal state Representatives in establishing a new, bipartisan Congressional Coal Caucus this week.

"When people think of West Virginia, they think of coal," Mollohan said. "But coal production has always been central to our entire country. Coal built our economy, it continues to produce half our electricity, and it holds the key to our energy future.

"Our caucus brings together Representatives -- Democrats and Republicans, easterners and westerners -- who are committed to maintaining a strong domestic coal industry. Our mission is vital not only to West Virginia and other coal-producing states, but to every home and every business in America that depends on affordable electricity."

Mollohan said that the new caucus will strengthen coal's voice as Congress considers environmental, tax, and energy legislation, such as the climate change bill passed by the House last year.

"I voted against the cap and trade bill in June because it threatened West Virginia's interests and did not envision a realistic role for coal in the coming decades. Unfortunately, that bill was passed by the House and may be considered by the Senate. If the Senate passes a version of the bill and sends it back to the House, our new caucus will be instrumental in making sure that coal's interests are represented."
