Democrats Pass Exact Bill They Voted Against One Week Ago

Press Release

Date: Jan. 27, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Democrats Pass Exact Bill They Voted Against One Week Ago

Tonight, President Obama is expected to speak on the importance of leaving partisan politics at the door. Yet today, Democrats passed the Idaho Wilderness Water Facilities Act sponsored by Rep. Walt Minnick (D-ID), the EXACT same bill they voted down last week when it was introduced by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID).

"What about the legislation made it unworthy of passage by the Democrats last week, yet worthy of support this week? This is partisan politics at its absolute worst. If the Democrats want the American people to believe that they are truly interested in working with Republicans they're going to have to do a lot better than this. Families, jobs and livelihoods are hinged upon the Democrat-led Congress' realization that drawing lines in the sand has gotten this country nowhere over the past year," said Congressman Rob Bishop.
