Mack: Senate Democrats Offer Health Care Christmas Present Chock-Full Of Giveaways For Special Interests

Press Release

Date: Dec. 24, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Connie Mack (FL-14) slammed Senate Democrats this morning for passing a massive, $2.5 trillion government takeover of health care that will raise taxes on American families and businesses, impose unfunded mandates on states and small businesses, and saddle our children and grandchildren with trillions in new debt.

Mack said:

"First the House of Representatives passed a health care overhaul on a Saturday night when the nation was asleep. And now the Senate has passed a health care takeover on Christmas Eve in the hopes that the American people won't notice how bad this plan is for the nation.

"In a rush to get this massive government takeover of health care passed before Christmas, Democratic leaders in the Senate stuffed the bill chock-full of giveaways for a few select Senators to secure their votes -- leaving the rest of the nation to foot the bill.

"The American people deserve free-market reforms that protect individual freedoms, keep taxes low and spending in check, and preserve the doctor-patient relationship. That's why I am a strong supporter of reforms such as health savings accounts, tax incentives, association health plans, tort reform and allowing individuals to purchase insurance across state lines.

"Instead of feasting on a turkey stuffed with big-government payoffs, the Democrats in Congress should make a New Year's resolution to stop growing the size and scope of the government -- including putting an end to countless bailouts, giveaways to Big Labor, a takeover of our health care system, and wasteful spending. Sadly, I don't think it's a resolution they will be able to keep."
