Providing For Consideration Of H.R. 4173, Wall Street Reform And Consumer Protection Act Of 2009

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 9, 2009
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. PAULSEN. I thank the gentleman.

Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight in opposition to the rule for H.R. 4173 and the underlying legislation.

Mr. Speaker, the effects of this bill, as we have already heard, will further harm our economy, draining capital from our economy and reducing overall lending by over as much as $55 billion, as studies have shown. The effects of this bill further harming our economy will hurt small business and consumers alike. They are going to considerably find it much more difficult to access the credit they need in a very challenging economy in addition to dealing with more government bureaucracy.

This bill, this legislation, will create a new credit czar with a mandate to limit consumer choice, to ration credit, and to increase the cost of financial transactions. Congress should be focusing on measures that will lead to job creation and encourage American prosperity, not implementing policies that will increase the unemployment numbers. Again, studies have shown that this legislation will literally cost hundreds of thousands of jobs in our economy.

We should be putting an end to all Washington bailouts and the Washington bailout mentality. This legislation does not firmly put an end to taxpayer-funded bailouts. Rather, it could increase the likelihood of future bailouts. This legislation should also be ending the ``too big to fail'' mentality that has dominated Washington. Instead, this legislation will institutionalize it.

By creating institutions that are too big to fail, we are implying that certain financial companies will be sheltered by a Federal safety net. Mr. Speaker, I urge a ``no'' vote on the rule.

