Kansas Farm Bureau Meeting


Date: Dec. 16, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

After several days and weeks of intense health care reform debate, it was a nice change of pace to meet with a couple of folks today from the Kansas Farm Bureau in my Washington office.

We had an in-depth conversation on climate change legislation, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Endangerment Finding, the Copenhagen negotiations and the severe consequences many of these proposals before Congress would have on Kansas farmers and ranchers. KFB is participating in the American Farm Bureau's "Don't CAP Our Future" effort to spread the word about the drastic effects of this current climate change legislation.

The latest version of a cap-and-tax bill raises the price of gasoline, diesel, fertilizer, natural gas, and coal. This no-to-little gain environmental policy will raise the cost of producing crops and livestock, and raise energy prices for every Kansan. I will continue to oppose this legislation and plan to support an effort by Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska who plans to introduce a "disapproval" resolution regarding the EPA's recent Endangerment Finding.

In addition to climate change proposals, we discussed water quality issues, health care reform, rural air quality and burning management plans for farmers. Thanks to Steve Baccus and Terry Holdren with the Kansas Farm Bureau from coming in today to discuss these important issues.
