Rep. Weiner "Small Businesses Need A Strong Public Option"


Representative Anthony Weiner (D- Brooklyn & Queens), a member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee released the following statement on today's White House Jobs Summit:

"Today, as the President and his economic team meet with corporate CEOs, academics, local officials, union leaders and non-profit organizations to discuss ways to bring our economy out of recession, we cannot lose focus on the real job creators in our economy -- small businesses."

"In New York City alone, small businesses, the engine that drives our economy accounts for 1.8 million jobs have been stalled by skyrocketing health care costs that put the brakes on their ability to accelerate job creation. These small businesses and their employees need the economic relief that a strong public option provides."

"A strong public option would provide businesses and workers choice, competition and lower costs in health care. This would free up much needed capital for small businesses to invest and grow their businesses and savings for workers."
