Rogers: EPA "Cap And Trade' Regulations Are Job Killers


Date: Dec. 9, 2009

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, released the following statement today in reaction to reports of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finding that carbon dioxide endangers human health, setting in motion a scheme to federal regulation of carbon dioxide emissions that will kill American jobs:

"Michigan is facing another kick in the gut this week. This time it's from Obama Administration bureaucrats in the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is preparing to do an end-run around Congress and adopt "cap and trade" rules to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant that will kill more Michigan jobs, raise energy prices and deal another devastating blow to our state's economy. The last thing the working families of Michigan need is more job-killer regulation from Washington bureaucrats who sit behind their desks and run their taxpayer-funded calculators with no real sense of how they impact the daily lives of American families.

"Cap and trade was a bad idea when Congress tried to ram it through and it is an even worse idea from a regulatory arm of the Administration. Washington couldn't give China or India a better Christmas present than this. China and India both have said they won't cripple their own economy this way; they are, however, fast after America's manufacturing jobs that are the foundation of the economy for our middle-class working families."
