Rohrabacher Denounces Decision To Move 9-11 Terrorists From Guantanamo Bay To US Homeland


Date: Nov. 13, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Rohrabacher issued the following statement in reaction to the Dept. of Justice's decision to try 9-11 mastermind, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and his co-conspirators in civilian federal court in New York City:

"Treating foreign terrorism as a domestic law enforcement matter puts the United States at great risk. The 9-11 terrorist case should underscore why foreign terrorists who commit an act of war against America, like the attacks on 9-11, do not deserve the same legal protections as do American citizens accused of domestic crimes," said Rohrabacher.

"It is fitting that we make it difficult to convict an American citizen accused of committing a crime. It makes no sense at all, however, to make it more difficult to convict and thwart foreign terrorists when our goal is to protect the national security of our country.

"The idea that terrorists should be given these kinds of legal protections seems to have been based on Left-wing campaign promises rather than America's national security needs."
