Rep. Loretta Sanchez Speaks At Cybersecurity Roundtable Meeting

Date: Oct. 16, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47) today participated in a special cybersecurity industry roundtable discussion entitled "Cybersecurity: State of Play and Recommendations for Moving Forward." Industry officials and policy makers from both the private and public sectors were invited to assess the current state of cyberspace security and discuss the future of cybersecurity policy. Rep. Sanchez, who was invited to address the twenty-person panel of experts, delivered the following statement as prepared:

"Good morning! Thank you all for having me here at this critical event to discuss the way forward on cyber security issues.

I particularly want to thank Congresswoman Yvette Clarke for being a leader here in Congress on cybersecurity. Much of her subcommittee has played a critical role in shaping cybersecurity policy in Congress, and today's roundtable will help shape the engagement between the private and public sector.

"In Congress, I too have always advocated for a dialogue between the private and public sector, especially when it comes to securing our critical cyber infrastructure. As Vice-Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee and former Ranking Member of the subcommittee with oversight of homeland security's cyber mission, I have constantly tried to improve how we address the risks that are posed to our civilian government websites.

"Lately, I have been extremely concerned that the Department of Homeland Security does not have adequate staff to protect our civilian government networks. In the growing age of cyber warfare, enemies are adapting their combat techniques to attack critical cyber infrastructure and networks, rather than solely bombing buildings or occupying land.

"We saw the affects of this type of cyber combat during the recent Russian-Georgian war. The Russian military attacked, hacked and shut down critical Georgian government websites in coordination with the ground attack on South Ossetia.

"Other countries, like Estonia, have experienced similar attacks, and even the United States experienced cyber attacks during this past Fourth of July.

"As a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, I have seen the overhaul and creation of the US Cyber Command and its subsequent training of thousands of "cyber warriors" to protect our military networks and assets. I believe we must show similar focus and commitment to protect our civilian networks.

"DHS is the point of contact for securing not only the civilian government, but educating and engaging the private sector to help ensure that all fronts of the civilian infrastructure are protected. That is why this dialogue today is so important--the exchange of ideas and the production of solid solutions is vital to our homeland security.

"I look forward to hearing from the panelists and once again I'd like to thank Ms. Clarke of New York for bringing this roundtable together."
